15 Features of React JS: Benefits of using for Web Development
This tutorial
will discover the 15 best features of React JS that are quite beneficial for
using it for Web Development, respectively. But before that, let us know what is meant by React JS?
What is meant by React JS?
React JS: ReactJS is usually the open-source
JavaScript language used to build a particular user interface for single-page
applications. Moreover, ReactJS is quite used for the handling view layer for
particular web applications and mobile apps. It also allows an individual to
create reusable UI components effectively and efficiently.
Jordan Walke, a software engineer, working for
Facebook, first created the ReactJS, and it was first deployed on Facebook's
newsfeed in 2011 and on Instagram in 2012, respectively.
React usually makes things possible for developers to develop or create large applications capable enough to make changes in the data without reloading the respective pages.
15 Features of React JS: Benefits of
using for Web Development
The best 15
features of the React JS that are quite beneficial for developing the web are
as follows:
Declarative UI
Virtual DOM
Event Handling
Server-side Rendering
Data Binding
Declarative UI: Declarative UI is usually considered
the most important feature. These features enhance or make the React line of
code more readable and make it easier to fix the related bugs effectively.
Moreover, React JS is usually defined as the best platform to develop the UI
(Both exciting and engaging).
Virtual DOM: Another most important feature of the
React JS that makes it quite beneficial for developing web pages is none other
than the Virtual DOM. In React, for every particular object of the DOM, the “virtual DOM object” exists. Moreover,
the virtual DOM object is generally considered the representation of a DOM
object and is used to create the virtual copy of the particular original DOM.
Event handling: Moving to the Event handling features
of the React. React creates its event system fully compatible with the W3C
object model. The entire browser's native Event is usually wrapped by the
respective instances of the Synthetic Event. For the native Event, it provides
the respective cross-browser interface. That means it enables an individual to
worry about particular incompatible event names and fields.
JSX: JSX is usually considered the most important and remarkable
feature of React. JSX is a markup syntax that usually depicts and describes the
appearance of the particular interface for the apps effectively.
Performance: Usually, React uses the One-way data
binding encapsulated with an effective application architecture known as Flux
controls. Generally, the React JS helps an individual make respective updation
to the view for the respective user and can also control the application
workflow with the help of Flux.
ReactNative: ReactNative has usually considered the custom render
for the respective React, similar to the React DOM on the web. Generally,
ReactNative uses native components instead of the web components like React as
the building blocks. And to begin with the ReactNative, an individual must be
well aware of the basics of the React concepts, which may include:
many more etc.
Component-based: It is also considered the most
important feature of React JS, as it was known that in React, each and
everything is generally a component, and the respective web page is usually
divided into the various small components that are used to create a view.
Server-side Rendering: Server-side Rendering is usually
considered the major feature of the React JS that is generally introduced on
Facebook as a new language that can speed up the page load and not rely upon
the delivery of the components, respectively. Moreover, ReactJS allows the
respective browser to render without waiting for the respective JavaScript to
be get stacked and executed effectively.
Data Binding: React uses unidirectional data flow,
forcing the respective developers to make efficient use of the callback
features to edit components and prevent them from getting edited directly.
10) Stability: ReactJS
is quite stable, which means ReactJS has a stable core for using downward
dataflow. And this allows an individual to make any progressions in child
structure, and the respective parent structure remains unaffected by the
11) Extensions: Usually,
ReactJS supports various extensions for the architecture of the particular application
respectively. ReactJS also supports server-side rendering, and Redux and Flux
are extensively helpful in developing the particular web app.
12) Debugging: Debugging
is generally considered the other most important feature for ReactJS. The
testing React app is quite easy because of the huge support from the community
respectively, even though now Facebook is also providing small browser
extensions that help the React debugging easier and faster.
13) Conditional statement: The conditional statement can easily be written with the
support of the JSX, respectively, and the respective data on the particular
browser is displayed according to the conditions provided inside the JSX.
14) Simplicity: Another
most important and striking feature of ReactJS as that ReactJS is
component-based, which, in general, makes the code reusable and uses JSX, which
is the combined form of HTML and JavaScript.
15) SEO-friendly: ReactJS
is quite encapsulated with the feature of SEO –friendly that enables the apps:
loading time.
· Rendering.
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