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What are the Components of DBMS (Data Base Management)?

What is Data?

Computer’s usage is increasing day by day. People usually use computer for running different applications, processing programs to get their desired output. It acts as a backbone to all developing and developed sectors. 

Coming to the concept of data, it involves large process. User can retrieve process and access the data whenever they needed. Computer handles the process of data in such a simpler way. 

It manages the whole data process such as storage, optimize and manage. Therefore, it is called as “Data Base Management”

Components of Data Base Management

In order to regulate the flow of the data process, the DBMS consists of various components which are explained in detail as follows.

What are the Components of DBMS (Data Base Management)?

Basically it is software which maintains the data integrity and security of the user.

Data in DBMS

Data is raw piece of resource which is finally molded into information. User change the data into information .Data collection involves process, edit, analyze and modified. 

It is an unorganized way of resource which is stored in database to form a correct format. In DBMS data’s are stored in their respective manner such as rows, columns and tables.

For example telephone directory. Variety of people’s information is stored in a decent format for quick accessing.

In order to store data some of the familiar database is,

o  My SQL

o  Microsoft SQL

o  Oracle database

o  Microsoft access    

Simple Example of DBMS,













Hardware in DBMS

When it comes to the concept of hardware, the components include Computer, CPU, RAM, Hard drive, Network Adapter etc. As we known before that Central Processing Unit which controls the whole computational process ,and RAM is a temporary storage device which is used to store data. Hard drive which ranges from 16 GB to 256 GB used to store data permanently. Network adapter uses to stay touch with another network.

Software in DBMS

We can’t able to process the information without necessary software. Software acts as an interface between the user and the computer. Basically DBMS itself a software. Internal processing is done by software while hardware is seen/touch.

Procedures in DBMS

Usually procedures in DBMS are done in SQL command line. It is a stored procedure which is used to perform some specific task like create, update and modify. Procedures are followed by certain syntax with parameters and heading

Procedures are sub-divided into four types

Stored Procedures

Functional Procedures

Database Users

Users who use database are divided into various types such as,

Application Programmers

Sophisticated Users

Specialized Users

Stand Alone Users

Native Users

Application Programmers

Data Manipulation Language (DML) which is used by the programmers to communicate with the database. The work of the programmers is to develop application with their desired language like C, C++, and Pascal etc...

Sophisticated Users

As the name itself indicates, the sophisticated users entirely vary from application programmers. They communicate with the database through SQL language by modifying the table according to their convenience. They change the data table directly without the knowledge of programming.

Specialized Users

The work of specialized user is to write the complex code in query which was developed by sophisticated user

Native Users

Native users usually interact with the system without any complex work. Already major complex code are written, these users simply enter the data.

For example updating a employees regular attendance in a database.

Stand alone Users

Users who have the capacity to create their own database management for personal use. It like developing according to their comfortable way. It contains all menu and graphic image.

Query Processor

Query is known as “asking question”. Users process their query in order to retrieve information from table from specified rows and columns. The usual SQL query command are delete, update, create.

Run Time Database Manager

The runtime database maintains the integrity of the data. If multiple users pass their query simultaneously, the runtime database maintains its data originality

DML Processor

DML is technically called as Data Manipulation Language. As the name itself indicates that, it alters the data such as insert, delete, modify, create and update based on user’s query.

DDL Processor

DDL is known as Data Definition Language. The commands used are CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE and DROP. It is used to create or alter the table, rows and columns by an SQL command line.

Types of Database Management System:

The database management is sub-divided into various types

o  Hierarchical

o  Network

o  Relational

o  Object Oriented


Hierarchical database

In hierarchical model, the data represented in tree like structure. There are many sub nodes, but there is only one main node.

Network database

In network database the sub node has one or two main node ,opposite of hierarchical database

Relational Database

Relational database are represented in Table format. The rows and columns represent the relationship between the data.






















Object Oriented Database

Object Oriented Database is based on attributes and methods which are based on reality.

























Advantages of DBMS

  • Data integrity is maintained
  • Reliable security and data sharing is done easily
  • The integrity and clear data provides the end users to take clear decision.

Where DBMS is mainly used?

As it holds large amount of data in a desired format, it is used in sectors such as,  

  • BANKING & IT sectors
  • MNC Company
  • Government Sectors  
  • Private Company  

And so on so.

Disadvantages of DBMS

  • Loss of data is occurred if large amount of data is stored in a single database
  • Cost of hardware and software is high
  • As the database management consists of complex program, the users have to train according to that.


Even though some cons in database management system, handling of such large data by manpower is impossible. So suitable solution should found in order to reduce the minor problems.




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