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Is ReactJS frontend or backend?

  Is ReactJS frontend or backend? This tutorial will discuss whether ReactJS is front-end or backend but before deep-diving into this, let us know about ReactJS? What do you understand about ReactJS? “ ReactJS is usually the open-source JavaScript language used to build a particular user interface, generally for single-page applications. Moreover, ReactJS is quite used for the handling view layer for particular web applications and mobile apps. ” It also allows an individual to create reusable UI components effectively and efficiently. Jordan Walke , a software engineer, working for Facebook, first created the ReactJS, and it was first deployed on Facebook's newsfeed in 2011 and on Instagram in 2012, respectively. React usually makes things possible for developers to develop or create large applications capable enough to make changes in the data without reloading the respective pages. Is ReactJS is frontend or backend? ReactJS is usually considered the most importa

Top 20 React interview questions for fresher

  Top 20 React interview questions for fresher This tutorial will discuss the top 20 React questions related to the interview for freshers.   React Interview Questions The top 20 interview question based on the reactions of the fresher is as follows: Question 1: What do you understand by React? React is usually considered the front-end and the open-source JavaScript library that is useful in developing the UI (User interface) purposely for the applications with a single page. And also, React is quite helpful in building complex and reusable user interface (UI) components, particularly for mobile and web applications, as it also follows the component-based approach.   Questions 2: What are the various advantages of using React? The various advantages of using the React are as follows: ·         Huge collection of libraries to choose from: React usually provides an individual with the freedom to choose the various tools, libraries, and architecture to develop the respe

What is Reinforcement Learning?

Introduction to Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement learning  comes under machine learning. It is  defined as the act of making the machines perform better according to the environment . Usually, machines use the trial and error method to learn new things. If a robot is introduced into a new environment, it acts according to the user.  So, there are some positive rewards and negative comments. Based on the negativity, it changes its way of performing better. Reinforcement Learning means strengthening or supporting the activity with the required elements or materials. The agent must find the best possible solution from the above diagram to reach the destination. The reinforcement method is a sub-division of machine learning. Usually, we humans design machines by the artificial intelligence method.  These AI machines decide how to react to the environment and agents. If it gets more likely feedback, it is satisfied or changes its way of thinking or action to avoid the unlikely feedba

Python OOP Concepts | Object Oriented Programming Python

What is OOPs concept in Python? Python was one of the high-level programming languages developed by Guido van Rossum in 1989. It is a general-purpose language that is familiar to machine learning. Many developers opt for the python programming language , as it is simple to learn and it's few lines of code.  Learning and implementing python language is easier than another programming language because the syntax is similar to the English Language.  Python was widely used in Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, automation, and Data Science. Python Community which helps the new ones to learn the technology. It is platform-independent and runs on various operating systems, including Linux and Windows. OOPS Concept in Python OOPS stands for Object-oriented programming language. The OOPS concept in python includes                                                                i.       Class                                                             ii.       Object